Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christmas in January

I will be the first to admit that this Mommy did not do a good job of documenting Christmas 2010 for The Frazier Four. I got caught up in the hustle and bustle of things, we had so many things to do and parties to attend that I seldom had time to have a camera in my hand.   However, I could not let anymore time pass before I journaled the pictures from our Holiday Season.

Our kiddos really enjoyed their Christmas parties at MDO.  This year was a little different because Daddy was not able to join us this year because of some new career obligations.  He hated to miss the parties, but we all understood and Mommy split her time between the toddler and 3 year old room.

Emma loves junk food these day, so of course she went straight for the cookie cake during her classroom party. 

Our little man got to enjoy his first Christmas party at MDO and he was happy as could be.   He enjoyed the pizza, cupcakes and real Capri Sun (our kids drink roaring water) so when they get to have "real juice" they get super excited.  Both of them drink it super fast and rarely come up for a breath.

Gavin's class was suppose to sing a couple of songs, but none of the kiddos were interested so they just exchanged books, ate and went about their merry way.

Emma's class performed and they did a great job.  There are three 3 year old classes at MDO and her class was the only one that sang all of their songs and had 100% participation.  I was so proud of them and how far they have come since we have been attending MDO with them.  Several of these sweet babies have been attending MDO with Emma since she was 15 months old.  Emma's class sang Feliz Navidad, This is the way to Bethlehem and I'm a little Angel.  They were all so adorable with their hallos and their bells.

We are so thankful for the MDO program our children get to attend daily from 8-12 and feel blessed that they are so loved by their teachers and friends at their little school.

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