Sunday, May 15, 2011

3 years & 11 months

To say she is excited about turning FOUR is a huge understatement, she is just downright GIDDY about it and counting down the days.  She loves to remind me daily that she is almost four and then she will put her hand over her mouth and say, "Mom we are not suppose to talk about it because I know it makes you  very sad".   I love to give her a hard time, pick her up and tell her that I do not want her to get any bigger and I am going to sprinkle fairy dust on her where she remains this size forever.  She always grabs my face and squeezes it saying, "But I have to turn, 4 then 5 then 6, but no matter how big I get I will always love you and remember your face". 

I spent some time last week looking back through my blog and reminiscing the birth and journey of both my children.  Completely amazing to me how quickly both of them have grown and how their little personalities have developed.  I can not explain how thankful I am that I have journaled and documented so many little details about them.  There are times I could have blogged more or got sidetracked, but the things I have managed to squeeze in take me right back to those days and I love it.

We will be celebrating Emma's 4th Birthday 10 days early due to her first dance recital and she doesn't mind at all.  She has already said that means she gets 2 birthdays, one with everyone and one with our family at Olive Garden on the real day.  Yep, she knows how to work it doesn't she? 

Her birthday will be a BERRY SWEET event with Strawberry Shortcake and her friends.  She requested and old school strawberry shortcake party, not the new teenager looking Strawberry Shortcake.  It has been a blast to plan and hunt for things because there is nothing out there.  I would have given anything if my Mom had saved my dolls, berry happy home and strawberry carrying case.  I can still remember the smell when I squeezed her belly 30 years ago and she blew me a strawberry kiss.

This kid amazes me more and more every single day.  She has the biggest heart I have ever seen, so much compassion for others and animals, interested in saving the world, constantly thinking of others,  dreams of big things, is happy all the time, can pretend to the point she thinks it is real, enjoys the company of friends, affectionate beyond belief, constantly talks about Jesus, the biggest Daddy's girl, a lover of JUNK food, longs for playtime with her cousins, organized and routine to a fault, worships the ground I walk on, loves new adventures, protects her little brother, wise beyond her years, an old soul and loves like there is no tomorrow. 

Emma Caroline, there is not one single thing about you we do not love like crazy.  You are an amazing little girl that has filled our home with so much laughter and joy.  I look forward to your hugs when you wake up every single morning and praying with you every single night, the things that happen in between are always an added bonus.  No doubt in our minds you are going to do HUGE things with your life and one thing is for sure, we will be on the sidelines cheering you on sweet girl.  You  make it so incredibly easy to love you!  Guess what?  You are almost FOUR!


  1. Just came across your blog when I googled 'old school Strawberry Shortcake' because I, too, am planning an old school SS party! And you are right-there is NOTHING out there. So sad!! Did you ever find anything?

  2. Such a sweet post! I can't wait to see the pics from the party. U should sooo be a party planner!!!

  3. So so sweet! This post just makes me excited to watch Cilla grown into a precious little girl like Emma! She is such a little doll.

  4. She is a doll...and of course, love her outfit! Can't wait to see the pictures from the party. I have no doubt it will be wonderful! ;)
