Thursday, May 5, 2011

We {heart} our TEACHERS!

The school administrator in me should not be waiting till the last day of the week to honor my children's MDO teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week, but tomorrow will be the day the Frazier Four will say "Thank You" to the eight people who make life a little sweeter for us.   

We are overly blessed with ladies that truly love and care about our children.  Everyday they greet them with a warm smile, a big hug, a you can do it, a pat on the back, a storybook to read, a prayer to say, a lesson to  learn, a craft to make, an activity to explore, a christian environment, a song to sing, a rope to jump, a center for creative play and an I love you at the end of everyday.

Our kids are in a very structured environment from 9-12 daily where they are engaged in some kind of activity and educational experience that has proven to pay off after 3 years with Emma and 1 year with Gavin.  They are very well rounded, so eager to learn, extremely creative and very social thanks to the interactions they have daily at MDO.  We are super appreciative of all the ladies who work hard with our kids on a daily basis and  provide us with the peace of mind we need when we are at work all day. 

Our kiddos will be returning to the same school next year where Emma will be a Pre K student and Gavin will be in the 2 year old classroom.  They will only attend in the morning and sweet Kain (our Nanny's 1 year old) will be joining them in the toddler room.   So our life will remain smooth sailing with our Nanny and she will have 3 kiddos, 3 backpacks and 3 hands to hold at noon everyday when she picks them up.

One of the things that is so important to me as a working Momma is that I am able to remain involved in my children's education, parties and ongoing activities.  So far Curtis & I have been able to attend and be a part of every little detail which makes things much easier on me.

We chose to honor our teachers with a mason jar filled with refrigerator magnets, flowers and a Chik Fil A gift card.  Emma helped me assemble all of eight of them and is super excited to deliver them in the morning.  I can not take credit for this idea, I actually borrowed it from a magazine I saw a while back and thought it would be fun and cute for the kids to help create them.

So even though we have waited till the last minute to say "Thank you" to some very special ladies, we hope they know that we appreciate every single one of them in a very special way.

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