Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

We celebrated a great Father's Day today with the best Daddy I know. Thank you Curtis for being YOU and for loving our children unconditionally.  You are an amazing Father and our kids are so blessed to call you Daddy. 

This year Emma gave you a coffee cup from Starbucks along with a $5.00 gift card that she picked out on her own. She begged Starbucks to sell her a $4.00 gift card because she is four years old (she was so upset when they told her no).  She insisted on buying you a coffee cup and not a mug because a mug has a lid on it and she refused one with a lid. Gavin gave you a gift card to the movies, so you can take us on a date Friday night to see Cars 2.  We made you 3 cards through Tiny Prints that were covered with the kids pictures and we gave you a new pair of Maui Jims for our upcoming vacation.  We took to you lunch, ordered pizza, went swimming, got a snow cone and gave you lots of hugs (all the kids ideas).

Today is always a very bittersweet day for me, one that I wish would go by so quickly that I might not even realize it has occurred.  For the sake of my own children, I dig up the biggest smile I can find and I always make it through the day.

This year is the 4th year I have had to find my way through Father's Day without my sweet Daddy here on earth. To this day, I still miss that man so much that my heart hurts. I will always be grateful for the relationship we shared and the lessons he has taught me that continue to impact my life daily.

All in all, it was a great Father's Day and my kiddos gave their Daddy kisses and hugs from sun up till sun down.

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