Wednesday, June 15, 2011

happy FOURTH birthday Emma!

Four years ago today I became a Mommy and you became my Daughter, what a precious gift. I had no idea how my life or my heart would change.

I hope you have the Happiest 4th Birthday ever Emma Caroline.  

Mommy went to work for 1/2 a day and Daddy came home early, so we could celebrate your birthday with you and Gavin.

When you woke up this morning we showered you with Birthday hugs and kisses.  When Miss Deidre got here she took you guys to get donuts and she also bought you a little cookie cake. 

We asked you what you wanted to eat on your birthday and you replied, "Mom, I want gumbo, fish & shrimp."  It was truly a random request especially since you had never eaten gumbo before.  We got you what you asked for and this is how you felt about the gumbo when it arrived.  It ended up being my dinner and it was yummy.  We took you to a local "hole in the wall" that sits on the lake a couple miles from our house.  You and Daddy enjoyed fish & shrimp together.

We got you a cookie cake and of course it was PINK. You told me on the way to the restaurant that you did not want anyone to sing Happy Birthday to you.  I promised you that only me, Daddy and Gavin would sing to you very softly and you were happy with that plan.

You chose to have one blue candle on your cake and you kept reminding us to sing softly.  We planned on getting you a 16" bike for your birthday, but with the lessons we are trying to teach you to always be thankful we decided it was not the best idea.  We did give you a little sundae and donut set for your kitchen so you would have something little to open on your real birthday since we gave you Piper at your party. You were very APPRECIATIVE when you opened your little gift from us.

Birthdays sure are sweeter when you have a sibling to celebrate your day with you.  Emma and Gavin enjoyed walking out on the pier and seeing the ducks.  I can hardly wait to go on vacation with these two.

Daddy with his sweet babies standing out on the pier after dinner.  Emma wore her birthday crown to dinner because she wanted everyone to know that she was FOUR today.

Here she is proclaiming to the world that the big day finally made it and she is indeed, FOUR!  After dinner she wanted to go swimming, so went to the neighborhood pool and played.  Emma is now a swimmer and loves to go down the slides (big or little) and jump off the sides of the pool.  She still has to be watched closely because sometimes she is to brave for her breeches tankini.

No better way to end the day then with a big ole hug from your little brother.   Some days they hug and others they fight, but one thing is for sure...they LOVE one another beyond belief and are LOST without the other.  Hmmm, do you think my kids love Buzz?

Today was a great day to celebrate a very special little girl. Emma, we love you so much and are so proud of how smart, sweet, bold, confident and thoughtful you have grown to be.  We hope you have the best birthday imaginable with many more to come.


  1. Happy birthday Emma! Lots of love from Hudson (and his mommy & daddy too)!

  2. Such a sweet post. I love how she didn't want anyone to sing to her. :) So glad she had a good "real" birthday, and that yall enjoyed the family time all together. Nothing beats family. And yours is precious!

  3. Hope you had a happy birthday Emma. Wished we all lived a little closer so we could celebrate together. Best wishes always!
