Monday, June 6, 2011

Spitting on the Cake

We survived this little girl's 4th birthday party even though it was 105 degrees outside.  When I say it was HOT, I mean it was HOT!  We are in the process of  recovering from the big shin dig,  but I could not go to sleep without sharing this picture of Emma Lou showing out.

I think the heat might have gotten to her or something because when her 65+ guest started singing Happy Birthday she acted super silly.  She seemed to be fine at the start of the song and then she decided to hit her brother (which never happens), bury her head in her Daddy's shirt, start crying, lift her head up, refused to blow out the candles, decided to blow them out, started spitting on the cake and ended by digging her hand in the backside of it.   Wow, if this is what being FOUR is all about...I am not ready.  

I wish I could tell you she stood there and smiled with her rosie cheeks, but I wanted to keep it REAL and that is about as REAL as it gets folks.  After everyone left she told us she was very nervous and embarrassed because there were too many people watching and singing.  Thank goodness she was her sweet and spunky little self before and after the cake craziness.  Oh wait, I forgot about the pinata pity party...more to come on that one.

In spite of the cake incident, it was a great party and Emma had a blast with her friends, family, MDO classmates and Ballet buddies.  Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated SWEET EMMA LOU with us on her "BERRY" special day.

1 comment:

  1. That cake is too stinkin' cute!!! Adorbs!! Can't wait to see more pics!!!
