Sunday, July 3, 2011

28 months at Atlantis

Happy 28 month old birthday Gavin Thomas!  You enjoyed your day on the beach and in the pools at the Atlantis on Paradise Island.  You are all BOY and we love everything that brings along with it!

I pray that your zest for life never fades.  You have more energy than any child I have ever laid eyes on in my entire life.  We have been on vacation for 7 days today and everywhere we have gone you have RAN and made your presence known.  Everyone comments on how ACTIVE you are for such a little boy and we just smile.   You keep us super busy chasing after you and keeping up with your every little move.  You personality is HUGE and there is not one thing we would change about it.  You are HILARIOUS and often have us hiding our faces to laugh because we do not want you to think everything you do is funny.  Daddy and I have enjoyed spending so much time with you on vacation.   We love you to the moon and back!


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