Friday, July 8, 2011


Before we left for vacation we were referred to the ENT and Audiologist to have Emma evaluated. My mind was made up that we were going on our own if we did not get a referral, so I was pleased to go with our Pediatricians blessing.  This referral came after 6 middle ear infections in the past year and was long overdue. 

After extensive antibiotics, ear test, ear drum xray, speech evaluations and meeting with the Dr. we have moved forward in this process and our sweet girl is scheduled for surgery next Friday.  Emma will be having tubes put in her ears and her adenoids removed.  After talking to the Dr. it seems to be a pretty simple process, but this Mommy is a little nervous about her baby being put to sleep. 

Emma is fully aware of what will be taking place and has asked lots of questions.  I realize that this is little compared to what others in the world are dealing with, but I still ask that you pray for us and our sweet girl as this day approaches.  I feel really good about this decision and know that long term it is what is best for Emma's health and her speech. 

She currently is suffering a MILD hearing loss, but the ENT is confident that will be corrected immediately once the tubes have been inserted and the fluid is drained off her little ears.  Her speech has NOT been effected at all, Praise God!  However, the Dr did tell us that she is hearing at a muffled level right now as if she were under water.  My poor baby, no wonder she has been saying, "huh" and "can you turn that up please".

We go for our pre-op visit Wednesday to make sure another infection has not set in and to get registered at the surgical center.  We are praying that her ears are not infected at that time and we get the green light to return on Friday for the scheduled procedure.  Please keep our little girl in your prayers as I am sure she will get nervous as the day approaches.  We are so thankful that we are able to move forward with this so quickly and are praying it gives Emma the relief she needs with her Asthma as well.

We love you Emma Lou and are so ready for you to get the relief you deserve.  Mommy & Daddy will be right by your side when you wake up sweet girl. 

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