Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Mommy

Tonight at bedtime Emma wanted to have a serious conversation with me and it might be one of the sweetest ones we have ever had.  Every night at bedtime we do the same thing. Her Daddy and I both go in her room, tuck her in, pray with her, I give her 'two kisses & a hug', Daddy gives her 'two kisses & a hug' and I get 'two more kisses & a hug'.  She tells us good night while snuggling under the covers with Tilda, Piper and white dog then I press Violets paw and Jingle Bells starts playing.  Yes, she loves to go to sleep to Jingle Bells every single night. 

Tonight when it was time for me to walk out she said, "Mom, in the morning I need to talk to you about something".  It concerned me a little bit so I turned around said, "Oh Emma we can talk now, you don't have to wait until morning baby."   I did not have to convince her to talk, she was ready and willing, it went something like this.

E:    Mom, I love you and you are the best Mommy ever.
M:   Thank you Emma, I think you are the best daughter ever.
E:    Will you always be my Mommy?
M:   Of course I will always be your Mommy baby, why?
E:    Well what happens when I get big Mom?
M:   I will still be your Mommy Emma no matter how big you get.
E:    But what happens when I become a Mommy?
M:   I will still be your Mommy Emma.
E:    So even when I am a Mommy, you will still be my Mommy?
M:   No matter how old you are or if you become a Mommy, I will always be your Mommy.
E:    Mom, I am glad you will always be my Mommy.
M:   Emma, I love you and I am so glad I always get to be your Mommy too.
E:    Goodnight Mom, I love you.
M:  Goodnight baby, I love you too. (of course I had to hug and kiss her some more)

When I was getting ready for bed I remembered this little rock she found in the Bahamas and insisted I take a picture of her with it because it looked like a heart. She told me that heart stood for how much she loved me, her Daddy and Gavin. 

At four, she is so honest with her feelings and it makes me proud.  I love that she has such a tender heart and is such an affectionate child.  Thanking God tonight that I am her Mommy, she is my daughter and that will never change.


  1. I am sitting at my desk with tears rolling down my face. So precious.

  2. That is so precious!! I'm sure that's a conversation you will never forget! Love it!

  3. OMG thanks for making me cry Laura! How absolutely sweet!
