Sunday, July 17, 2011

Picnic & Park

We decided to have a picnic tonight for dinner at one of the lakes in our neighborhood.  The kids were super excited and I was determined to find a spot where we would not be invaded by the ducks.

It did not take long for the ducks to approach us and Gavin spent most of his time chasing them off opposed to eating.  What little he did eat of his sandwich he shared with the ducks.

This little girl always dreams of picnics in the park.  She told me this evening that she wished we could eat dinner like this every night and she thinks it is a good idea if we eat in the same place tomorrow night.

All that duck chasing made this little boy thirsty.  Gavin did make friends with an older gentleman that was fishing a little ways down from us and he was begging, "can I try, can I try please?"  Guess we just might have to squeeze a little fishing in our schedule this week.

This sweet girl enjoyed all of her PB&J and offered none to the ducks.  I think she might have the sweetest little smile I have ever seen.

He finally decided to take a little break, eat some Cheez-Its and visit with us.  Do not let this picture fool you, he sat down for about 45 seconds total and then he was up and off again.

Life sure is sweeter when you get to share it with a sibling.  I love watching my kids explore life together.  They both were creeping closer and closer to the lake until their feet were finally at the edge.  I am confident that someone is falling in before summer is over and if I had to guess...his name starts with a G!

We picnicked close to a little park that ended up being super fun for Emma and Gavin.

This little boy is so brave and gets braver and braver by the day.  I do not know what is funnier, watching him or watching other parents react to him (ha ha). 

I see more P&P in our near future as summer is winding down for us and we will be back in a structured routine soon.  For now, we will continue to soak up the sun, ride bikes, fish, eat popsicles, swim, enjoy all our scheduled play dates and field trips.

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