Monday, August 29, 2011

Sterling's Story

Some of you know that we had a 2.5 year old cousin, Sterling Scott Carnes drown in March of  2007.  His Mom, Marla has bravely decided to team up with CrossFit and ISR to share his story and hopefully save someone else from living the nightmare they have lived.

I wanted to share the link with all of you and ask you to share this with your friends and family who have a pool or have small children.  Marla will be featured today and the next 2 days sharing Sterling's Story.

There is the written story and three videos. While it was difficult for me to watch this for so many reasons, it reminded me that you can NEVER be TOO CAREFUL! I will be the first to tell you, they NEVER let this child out of their sight. It was truly a freak accident that none of us will ever forget. Marla ask that you keep in mind that drownings can happen at your home, at other people's homes, in the summer, in a bathtub, during the winter, in a ditch or when you least expect it. 

We miss sweet Sterling and think about him daily. He and Gavin share so many of the same characteristics and energy! I love this picture of us dancing together at my wedding.

Please share this with any and everybody you know. I pray NONE of us ever have to walk this road, but I am so appreciative that Marla was brave enough to share her story with the world.  I know Sterling is proud of his Mommy today too!


  1. I got your email about this story today and I KNEW it was too soon for me to read it...the emotions of losing a sweet baby just consumed me yesterday. Praying for this family and so sympathetic to their loss...I can't imagine how painful this must have been, yet I know they are stronger now because of Sterling.

  2. WOW, I'm so sorry for your family!!! I can't even imagine!!!

  3. Broke my heart when I saw your e-mail! What his family is doing now b/c of their loss is remarkable though!!

  4. I have been watching their videos and Sterling pictures, sooo sooo sooo precious!!! God Bless that family and I will continue to pray for them! I know Sterling is playing and dancing by Jesus feet today, and one day Marla will hold her baby boy again!!! GOD BLESS THEM!!!
