Saturday, September 24, 2011

Friday Night Lights

Our boys dominated on the field last night and played a tough game that left us sitting at 4-0 for the season.  

Emma was super excited about the game, having dinner in the "box" and seeing the Cheerleaders.

The Frazier Four ready and waiting on the game to begin.   We were so proud to sport our Maroon and Gold to support the mighty Bulldogs to victory.

Gavin brought his football to the game and the lady at the front gate did NOT approve. The ball ended up hiding out in Momma's bag for the entire game.

Emma fell in love with Bria 2 years ago and has not stopped loving her since.   When she was getting dressed for the game she said, "Mom, my uniform is tight. Do you think Bria's is tight too?"

My little man dreaming of the day he can be on the field suited up and putting all that energy to good use.  He was so cute tonight when he was screaming, "Go Bulldogs Go, Hit em, Touchdown."

I can just see these two, years from now walking in a stadium together for their very own football game.  Though it has been tough, I am so glad they are only 20 months apart these days.  They love each other and are the best of buds, even on the days they fight non stop.

Looking forward to what the rest of this "season" holds for the Bulldogs and my family!


  1. LOVE that girl! What precious pictures! And I am loving her little matching Livie and Luca shoes! ;) PS. Gavin is the cutest thing ever, too. He and Jack would have so much fun, I just know it! :)

  2. Love the photo. Glad to see that you and yor family support the BULLDOGS!!! My old high school mascot was BULLBOGS as well. Our color were macron and black. Where did you get the hat made? Need one for my DH basketball season starts. He has started another mission in life and is the Head Basketball coach. Woohoo!!!!
