Monday, November 28, 2011

Shrek Feast & More

Hard to believe that we were able to go Snow Tubing where we live in November, but sure enough we did and it was fun.  

It was alot of work to drag a double tube up those stairs while encouraging a 4 year old to keep walking.  We do not have many pictures of this because every time Daddy looked through the lens, a certain little boy would take off running.

If you look really close you can see me and Emma tubing down in the 3rd lane.  The slopes were small, but certainly give us something to look forward to when we visit the Carnes cousins in Steamboat some day soon.

We enjoyed a Shrek Feast one morning for breakfast and this green chocolate fountain was only part of what was laid before us to enjoy.

Emma loved dining with Shrek and could hardly wait to become a little ogre herself, but first she had to solve a riddle in order to get her ears.

Princess Fiona was a huge hit and we brought our own little Fiona home with us.  It was so funny because with Emma's red hair braided, she really favored her and people commented on it all day.

Puss and Boots giving our sweet girl the purr-fect hug.  Please do not think we forgot about Gavin on this trip, however he stayed far away from these characters and waved from a distance.  One look at Shrek and he was D.O.N.E!  Can you blame him?  The guy is big, green, giant teeth and his hands are huge.

Yep, we brought our own little Ogres home with us for the holiday season and they have not stopped playing with their ears since they got them. 

My sweet babies showing off their Polar Express Bells Santa gave them on the train ride.  They had been watching the movie, so they were so excited that they got a bell that was identical to the one that fell of the reindeer's neck.

The two cutest little elfs I know sure do make the Holidays so much fun for us.  Amazing to me how Christmas takes on an entirely new meaning when you have children to share it with you.  I am so glad I get to enjoy this Holiday season through the eyes of a two and four year old this year.

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