Friday, December 2, 2011

ICE ~ Shrek the Halls

The last of our little Holiday getaway.  This was by far the coldest part of our trip and the most amazing part also, at a whopping 7 degrees.  The ICE exhibit is hand carved by 40 Artist that are flown in from China.  They carve over 2 million pounds of ice to create the exhibit and it is unbelievable.  Ice manufacturers spend 3 months freezing the blocks of ice required for them to produce this exhibit.  It is honestly something you have to see to believe.

Our little man all bundled up and entering the front door, looking up in amazement at Shrek.

Emma was at the perfect age this year and really took her time looking at all the characters.  At one point she picked up the top of a gingerbread carved of ice, of course you are never suppose to touch the ice.

I did not have the right lens on my camera when we went in so Daddy had a hard time getting us and the sign in the picture, but I was happy to have one of me and my sweet babies.

Fiona and the babies.  Emma was so worried about where the babies were the entire time we were at the resort.  A couple times she actually opened the door of Shrek's house looking in for the babies.

The detail of ICE this year was amazing.  We have loved it every year we have gone, but the detail this year was very different than years past.  I could have stayed in here for a couple hours in awe of the work that went into this and how talented those 40 men must be.

Sweet boy, look at those eyelashes.  We had a hard time getting Gavin to keep his hat and gloves on while inside, even thought it was FREEZING.

We love Shrek and we love him even more after seeing him brought to life in ICE.  My kids have watched Shrek the Halls about 20+ times so far this holiday season.

This is Shrek's outhouse and potty, Emma thought it was hilarious and crawled up in there so I could take her picture.

Puss and Boots could be spotted occasionally throughout the exhibit too.

Look at sweet little Gingy.  She was pullilng a wagon full of gingerbread house pieces that she was trying to get help putting together. Yep, that is were Emma got the top of the house out of till one of the workers quickly reminded her not to touch the ice.

This bench was in the area where the ice slides were and it was cute as could be.  Neither one of the kids were interested in sliding down because they were frozen by this time.  Even with all the gear on, it is SUPER cold inside.

Daddy with his two little buddies, Shrek & Donkey.

Sweet Emma Lou with Fiona and her babies, everytime she spotted those babies she was thrilled.

I took this one of Shrek up close so we could remember the great detail that went into bringing him to life for Shrek the Halls.

About 85% into the exhibit Gavin decided he had enough, stopped in the middle of the floor and ripped his hat, gloves and coat off and threw it on the floor.  It was a little difficult for him to get around with this heavy coat on, so I guess he thought it would be easier without it.

And the last stop every year before we exit is the Merry Christmas wreath.  I am so thankful that we have made it a tradition every year to get away before the hustle and bustle of the Holidays begins. 

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