Wednesday, December 14, 2011

MDO Christmas Party

The hustle & bustle of the holiday season has me feeling like a fat hamster in a wheel these days.   I love all the Holidays has to offer, but our schedules are jam packed.  Everyday when I get to highlight something else off my to do list, I sigh and keep on going.  Please understand I am not complaining because this is MORE than the life I ever dreamed of, but no doubt I will look back on this season and wonder how we managed to juggle it all. 

Between birthday parties, dance recitals, school parties, work parties, our holiday getaway, Christmas pictures, decorating the house, the Christmas pageant at MDO,  the elf on the shelf, the advent calendar, hosting 3 different celebrations in our home for family, milk & cookies with Santa, looking at twinkling lights ....we are busy as can be and I would not want it any other way.  I am not willing to sacrifice participating in events or traditions because I am a working Mommy, so we make it all work and it always ends up perfect.

Today was the kids MDO party and I managed to get a couple pictures between helping set up, pass out gifts and going between two classrooms.

Gavin always enjoys his school parties and was ready to go as soon as his feet hit the floor this morning.  His little class is filled with sweet little two year olds that always want to eat the cupcakes first.

Emma is so appreciative when I come to her parties and acts surprised when she sees me as if I have never been at one of her functions.  She truly has the sweetest teachers in the world that put so much into that Pre-K classroom, no gift would be enough to thank Mrs. Becky & Mrs. Violet. 

Tomorrow we will be attending the MDO Christmas Pageant where the Pre-K students tell, sing and demonstrate the Story of Jesus.  Emma is so excited to be a sheep, while Kade is her Shepherd.  They have been practicing so hard and had full dress rehearsal yesterday.  Emma was ecstatic that her best buddy Hannah gets to be Mary and continues to tell me how beautiful she looks.  I am certain I will be crying like a baby when I see these sweet babies proclaim their love for Jesus.

So while I may be a little STRESSED, I will NEVER lose sight of the fact that I am truly BLESSED!

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