Friday, December 16, 2011

Pajama Day @ MDO

My sweet babies jumped out of bed this morning eager to put their pajamas on and head to MDO for a day of Polar Express and fun.   Mommy was excited to because at 10:30, I am officially off for 18 days (woo hoo).

This girl cracks me up anytime I go to take her picture these days.  She is in dance mode at all times with that little pointed toe and those hands on her sassy little hips.  As I was leaving for work she said, "Mommy, do you wish you could wear your pajamas to work today?" 

My little man thought his Daddy was confused this morning when he took his one set of pajamas off and put another one on, but we finally got him to understand that it was PJ day!

Mornings at our house can often be a little chaotic with these two fighting over a pop tart, who brushes their teeth first, he's looking at me, who gets the last chocolate milk, she is pushing me BUT today was a "BEST FRIEND" kind of day.  I love these two more than I ever dreamed imaginable and I think they love each other the same way.  Being a Mommy is truly the most rewarding job in the world.

Happy Pajama Day Emma Lou & G-Man! 


  1. They both look adorable! I love the pajamas and gown!

  2. There is nothing more precious than little kiddos in PJs! LOVE it! Sometimes I just let mine run around in their pajamas all day, especially this time of year...cause it's so cozy and cute! ;)
