Monday, December 26, 2011

Santa Claus came to Town

We were ready for Santa Claus to come to our house in a big way this year.  The kids were so excited and made sure that all their toys were picked up and in great shape.  They understand that if Santa thinks you take really great care of your stuff that he might leave you a little more. 

We know that Santa and his reindeer are super busy on Christmas Eve, but also get lots of goodies everywhere they stop so we just left a little out for them.

We love Christmas and we love to give, give, give at Christmas time.  Our kiddos only get for their birthdays and Christmas, so we tend to go a little overboard and have no regrets.

Santa's big gifts this year for Gavin were a scooter and a tool bench (silly man, he left the scooter in our closet) and Emma got an easel and a Leap Pad.

Both of the kids got super hero capes with their initials and names monogrammed on the back of them, super cute! 

Our house is overflowing with Toy Story stuff and Santa brought more.  This year he brought all the Hawaiian themed stuff and one very special Buzz for little brother.

Not a great picture, but this is when Daddy walked them out to see Santa's goodies.  Emma is so wonderful and stays in bed till we give her permission to get up on Christmas morning, because we want to see their little faces light up.

Emma only had 3 things on her list, because that is how many the wisemen brought to the stable.  She asked for a walkable pet shop, a Leap Pad and a real ring from James Avery.  Santa delivered it all and she was one happy little girl, until the ring was lost hours later and has yet to be found. 

Gavin's list consisted of candy, cookies and candy corns from Santa, so he was very happy when he got more.  Of course his BIG sister created a list for him and helped him put it in the mail to Santa.

The famous ring that had everyone searching high and low to find.  We are thinking it went down drain or got thrown away.  We replaced it for her, but she is only allowed to wear it to church, dinner and special things now.

Gavin was thrilled with his razor Santa brought because he wants to be just like Daddy and shave in the mornings.

Emma digging through the special bag of goodies that were left behind for her to enjoy.

Gavin's very special Disney Fan Club D23 Buzz Lightyear, I think we are up to about 9 Buzz's now.  I am seriously thinking of putting all their Toy Story stuff in a pile and taking a picture, it is crazy.  However, I love to hear Gavin play with all of them and bring them to life just like Andy did in the movie.  I promise you he could play the role if they ever needed him to reinact Andy or Bonnie's parts.  He loves all of them and it is hilarious to watch him when he plays with them.

Christmas was so much fun at our house this year with a two and a half and four and a half year old.  I seriously can not imagine it getting any better or more exciting.  I love to watch my kids when they get new stuff and I love how appreciative they are when they open each gift, it truly makes you want to buy for them and every gift is their favorite.  Christmas 2011 has been the most JOYFUL Christmas I have ever experienced thus far and I know it is only going to get better.

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