Friday, March 2, 2012

Go Texan Day @ MDO

My sweet babies were happy to gallop out the door this morning in their Go Texan gear.  They were not really wanting their Mommy to have the camera in their faces this early, but I had to get a couple shots of all their cuteness.

Oh sweet girl, remind me to tell you the story about this little dress one day (2 trips to the post office, homeless people and 5 o'clock in the morning).  It was worth it because no doubt you will be one of the cutest little cowgirls in the pasture today.  

You my little man continue to put a smile on my face daily.  You exemplify what it means to love life to the fullest and you love being a cowboy.   When I saw you in this outfit my heart hurt because it made me realize that I miss my Daddy so much and he would have been beyond smitten with you and your sister.  Oh Gavin, you look just like him, act just like him and love life the way he did.

I have said it hundreds of times, but I would have given anything for you guys to have known the "GREATEST MAN I HAVE EVER KNOWN" this side of heaven.   My Daddy was a real cowboy and so today would have been special for him to see you guys honoring the life he lived.  No doubt he is smiling in heaven today and probably has the crowd around him laughing hysterically.

After numerous attempts it is safe to say that sibling pictures are almost impossible these days.  Gavin was yelling "giddy up" in this one pretending to ride a horse and Emma was trying to be the Momma hen and make him stand still.

Thanking God for my little cowpokes today, praying for so many and looking forward to celebrating Gavin's THIRD birthday tomorrow with those we love the most!

1 comment:

  1. Ummm, please don't dress Gavin like this, he looks WAYYYYY too old!!!!! Haha! Just kidding! They are adorable!
