Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Grandfather

The sweetest man I have ever known earned his wings tonight and I am beyond blessed to have called this man my Papa for the last 39 years of my life. Tonight I am thanking God for his life and rejoicing that he has been reunited with my Grandmother who met Jesus 11 years ago, his three sons and my Daddy.  I can only imagine what an amazing reunion it must have been.

Although my heart is broken, I am praising my Father for not letting him suffer any longer.  I have come to realize that God's timing is perfect and he knew 90 years ago today, that he would welcome my Grandfather home.  God has clearly answered our prayers this evening.  

I am sad, as a matter of fact I am SUPER SAD for so many reasons, but all the while thankful that my sweet babies got to know and experience life with one of the greatest men I have ever known.  His smile, his laughter, his singing, his stories and his love will forever be etched in my heart and in my mind.  So many valuable lessons I have learned from walking this journey with him and seeing him live life.

He loved me so much, he loved all of us so much and he was never afraid to tell the world all about it, over and over.  He was a supporter of everything we did and it was only last summer he sat daily in the 102 degree heat to watch his great grandchildren on the athletic fields.  He loved with everything he had and it showed throughout his entire life.

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course,
 I have kept the faith:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
2 Timothy 4:7-8

Papa, thank you for the life lessons that I will cherish forever.  Thank you for loving me, encouraging me, supporting me, correcting me, helping me, believing in me and for always being there for me.  I am so blessed to have had the conversations we shared up until the very end.  Most importantly, my life was changed because YOU have been my grandfather all of these years. 


  1. I will be praying for you and your family.God will continue to strengthen you everyday and give you the comfort that you need.

  2. I have had the great pleasure of knowing Papa, almost as long as I have known my wife, Laura Ann. Papa immediately welcomed me into his family with open arms, just as our Father welcomed him last night.

    Papa lived a life that he and all that know him can and should be proud of! Though I didn’t have the privilege of Papa’s influence as long as Laura Ann, I too learned many valuable life-lessons from him. Papa’s example taught me to “love out loud”, and never be afraid to show that love.

    As we come together to reflect and celebrate the life of a truly great man, I know that I am a better man for knowing him! While I am deeply saddened by my family’s earthly loss, I know that we will come to rejoice in knowing that he is Home.

    I ask for prayers for the strength, comfort and peace that only our Father can provide for my wife and my family in this difficult time. God bless.
