Saturday, March 17, 2012

Our Pirate Boy

To wrap up our little Buccaneer's party, I thought it would only be fitting to document Gavin's HUGE personality at the young age of THREE.

Gavin, these THREE years have flown by so fast with you and you have encouraged us to grow in ways we never knew existed.  You have taught us so much in your short little life and reminded us that the little battles are not worth fighting and we better choose the ones we want to fight wisely.  We have grown so much as parents because of you and that is a good thing!

You are one of the happiest little kids I have ever seen in my entire life and you smile from the second your feet hit the floor in the mornings.  No doubt in my mind that you will use that energy one day to become a strong and decisive leader, God has already prepared you.   

You have added so much joy to our family and there is no way we could imagine our life without you Gavin Thomas.  You give us a reason to laugh and smile daily, all of us. 

Thank you so much for loving us and for allowing us to love you.  Your cuddles, hugs and kisses are a treasure in our house and ones that we will cherish forever. 

Gavin, we love you so much and pray that God continues to use you in a BIG way.  There is not one single thing we would change about you. You are an amazing Son and no doubt God knew exactly what he was doing when he picked us to be your family.  I have so many prayers for you and your future, but most importantly I hope that we have provided you with the foundation to have a lifelong passion for Jesus Christ.

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