Wednesday, April 4, 2012

MDO Easter Party

Emma & Gavin had their Easter parties at MDO this morning and Curtis and I both got to join in on the festivities.  The kids were super excited we both got to make it and be a part of the fun.

Our goodies this year were these cute little nest filled with green coconut, robin eggs and marshmallow bunnies.  Gavin and Emma were so proud of these and could not wait to give them to their "nest friends" at school.

I just might be a ribbon junkie and have spools on top of spools hanging around everywhere.   I decided I would try and use some of it up for this little project, so I dug out all the spring colors and went to town. 

The weather hindered our usual outside egg hunt, so Emma's class hunted eggs among the choir robes and Gavin's class hunted in the gym.  The kids did not mind at all and were frantically searching for the 8 eggs they were allowed to find.

I was so sad when I pulled into the parking lot today and realized this was Emma's last Easter party at MDO.  I am struggling with the fact that she is entering public school next year and leaving these sweet girls behind.  Emma has been with these 4 girls since she was 15 months old and loves them all so much!  I know she will make more wonderful friends without any problems at all, but this Mommy struggles with change. I just wish I could keep her so innocent and pure forever! All 5 of these girls will be attending different elementary schools next year.  

I pray that this little smile will stay on Emma's face next year in K.  I hope her experience in public school will be as enjoyable and memorable as our past 4 years at MDO.  

Gavin can enjoy himself anywhere and he loves a good party, just like his Momma.  He has recently started trying to pose like Emma does by putting his hand on his hip and leaning to the side.  This boy is as silly as they come and cute as can be. 

He decided to sit down and take a break after he found his eggs, of course he wanted to open everyone of them right then and eat all the candy out of them.  He was not wanting his picture taken today either. 

These sweet girls make me smile from ear to ear.   The little girl in the pink bunny dress is Emma's best buddy Hannah Claire and Emma has talked about her and Gracie nonstop for 4 years!

Yesterday I got this text from Hannah's Mom and it is just what I needed.  Hi Laura, this is Rachael, Hannah Claire's Mom.  I wanted to tell you how much HC enjoys Emma at school.  One day last week I asked her what the best part of her day was and she said, "playing with Emma!"  She is such a sweet little girl...she is always the first to run up to HC in the mornings and give her a big hug!  It was a proud Mommy moment for me, I am so glad that Emma is such an affectionate little girl and willing to love out loud!

Today was a great day for both our kiddos and once again we left so grateful for the foundation our kids have been given at MDO.

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