Sunday, May 27, 2012

{Smore} to come...

We just got home from a great day spent poolside with the entire Carnes family and it was big fun.  It is not often that EVERYONE is together, but today just happened to be one of those special days that we were all in the same place.  Excited to think about there being 3 additional new ones added to the family by the next time we are all together again.

Nothing I like more than to see my kiddos laughing, playing and loving on their cousins.  These guys had a blast and spent 9 hours in the pool together kicking, splashing and making memories.   I was so excited when I decided my dessert would be everything to make the perfect smores, figured it would be fun for the little ones and just might be a new tradition I start. 

Thankful for a great day and looking forward to spending tomorrow being lazy at home with The Frazier Four!

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