Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Animal Kingdom

One of our favorite parts of Animal Kingdom is the Kilimanjaroo Safaris and Pangani Forest Exploration Trail.  I am so glad that both our kiddos are animal lovers just like us.

We always try to do these two things first thing in the morning, it is the most likely chance that all of the animals are out and roaming.   Gavin was so excited to see the Safari and he was my little travel partner on this journey.

We caught the elephants at the watering hole eating breakfast.   There were several babies this year and we got to see most of them.

These Rhinos came right up to our Jeep and Curtis could have literally put his arm out and touched them. 

Gavin wanted to stand up on the ride, so we had to keep a very close eye on him throughout the trip when he would see stuff and get excited.

Here is the vehicle we traveled through the Safari in, doesn't Disney do an amazing job of making you feel like you are truly experiencing these things?

Rafiki was a bit scary to Gavin, but again Emma loved him and was excited to give him a super big hug.

Donald greeted us at the Tusker House for lunch and the food was interesting here, to say the least since we were dining in Africa.

Daisy was cute as could be with her long eyelashes and her safari gear.

Goofy was determinded to get a picture with Gavin, but he was content with Emma for a little bit until he worked his way over to the WILD MAN.

Mickey is one of our favorite characters of all and he was ready to explore the Tusker House with us.

Now you can see why we hardly have any character pictures with Gavin in them.  He could careless honestly.  After he says Hi the first time, he is pretty much done and just does not pay attention to them (ha ha).  So thankful he is not afraid, but sure wish he would wrap his arms around them like his big sister does.

Daisy came by several times during lunch and insisted that Emma pose with her and of course she jumped right up.

We enjoyed our time at Animal Kingdom and visiting Minnie and Mickey's Camp.

Emma, Gavin and Daddy all participated in Festival of the Lion King at some point during the show.  This was the first time we saw this show and we all loved it.

One of my favorite parts of the Disney Parks is all the dancers and actors, every single one of them ALWAYS have a smile on their face and truly seem to enjoy the work they are doing.  I was actually blown away by the dancing, costumes and set of Lion King and would see it again tomorrow if I had a chance.

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