Monday, June 25, 2012

Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo

Emma was super surprised that we planned a little party for her in our hotel room, she was totally clueless and even said, "Mom, you told me I was not getting any gifts this year."   Great thing about it was, she would have been totally okay with getting nothing because Disney was her gift, but I wanted her to have gifts to open.

She was super excited to sit on the Princess pedestal and get to work ripping into the bags and gifts I had hidden in a suitcase of there own.   We surprised her with two charms, Princess perfume set, Belle Jewelry Box, 4 Disney movies, a Belle Pez dispenser, Princess coloring book, the Bibbidi Bobbidi boutique, Cinderella's Royal table and FIVE tickets to see Pinkalicious at the children's theatre (where she gets to invite friends).

She was so excited to be FIVE, so of course she loved this number FIVE charm and the Princess Crown we gave her to always remember her magical celebration.  Her Grandma also gave her the swim charm this year, which she loves.

This is the happy~go~lucky girl we love so much right here and the one we missed at the Princess breakfast (I am so sorry sweet girl).  I think she had more birthday cakes and cupcakes to celebrate turning FIVE than I have ever had in my entire life.  Remember, we choose to call it "greatly loved",  not spoiled.

Emma had no idea she would be doing the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique on her birthday.  She had been asking to go from the day we arrived and we just kept telling her you had to have an appointment months in advance to be able to get a Princess makeover.   She was ecstatic when we showed up at the Castle and realized she was getting a makeover.  There she goes hand in hand with her fairy Godmother to be transformed into her favorite Princess and for her Birthday wish to come true.

She loved reminding me all day long that she was the BIG FIVE and of course I pretended to cry every time, she loved it.  At the end of the day she wrapped her arms around my neck and said, "Mom, don't be sad because I will always be your baby girl."  Yes, you will always be my baby girl no matter how old you become Emma Caroline.

Here is our Little Princess before they sprinkled her with fairy dust and turned her around for the big reveal.  She was rocking her 5th Birthday sash and that bun (ha ha).  Notice how many miles the bottom of those Belle shoes have on them, the girl wore them to MDO every day for the last 3 months of school even though I begged her not too.  I even tried to convince Mrs. Becky to tell her she could not wear them anymore and she told me she loved them too.

We had to get one picture in front of the castle before heading over to Castle Couture to finish off with a "cheesy" little photo shoot.

This girl was ready to pose for the photographer with her photo pass and she did not care what the backdrop looked like.

More to come on the 5th Birthday celebration and this little sign on our resort door reminded us daily why we were at Disney, along with the little girl who reminded us every chance she got that she was about to be FIVE!

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