Friday, June 29, 2012

Hollywood Studios

We got up one morning and decided to head over to Hollywood Studios a day before we originally planned. It was a great day to be there because it was not very crowded, however it was the hottest day of the entire trip (really the only day that we were uncomfy from the heat). 

Right when we got there we saw our good friend Handy Manny and he was able to put a smile on everyone's face.

Gavin got his autograph, mission accomplished and he was off to see what could entertain him next.  He was hard to keep up with on this trip folks.

A little out of order, but this was our little man waiting on the bus to pick us up for the day.   That little car in his hand is a Disney Racer that he toted around with him the entire week.  Out of everything, he wanted the replicas of all the tour buses.  Daddy was not leaving without this shirt and just happens to think it is the coolest Toy Story shirt he owns. 

Mommy and Emma waiting on the bus to come and we could already tell it was going to be a super hot day.

Gavin's favorite ride in Pixar Place was Toy Story Mania and it is SUPER popular.   It takes you through a midway and you shoot these guns at about 10 different games and earn points.  Everything about this ride is amazing and the detail that went into creating it is unbelieveable. 

Daddy and Gavin went on the Backlot Tour and me and Emma waited in line to see Mike.  This girl is not afraid of ANYTHING.  I think back to when I was FIVE and I would have never let a big eyeball green monster get close to me, check this girl out.  When she finished Mike chased her and slung his big arm in our double stroller on Gavin's side wondering where the missing little brother was, it was funny!

Daddy and Gavin finished their ride and by that time we had waited in line again to see SULLY!   Now seriously, Gavin was like "PEACE OUT" when he saw Sully (he didn't even want his autograph).  Can you blame him?

When we left from seeing Sully Gavin had his eyes on a Star Wars gun that he obviously did not get, I love this little pouty face!

By far, hands down our favorite day time parade of all 4 parks was the Pixar Parade. We were in love with this Toy Story float and all the characters that were on it and walked beside it.   We love everything about Disney, can you tell?

We were able to sit front row for the Beauty and the Beast show which made Emma's birthday trip even more special.  The show was wonderful and we were blown away by the dancers, colorful costumes and the work that went into producing the show.  Emma never took her eyes off the stage and loved every single second of it.  She is convinced that she will be dancing and working at Disney one day as a Princess and in this show.  She says when she is not super busy she will come and help me sell balloons in front of the castle.  Curtis and I have decided when we retire, we will work at Disney for fun.

Gavin loves the Incredibles and about 5 seconds of watching the movie morphs him into Dash, so we have limited him watching this.  When he saw these characters he immediatly went into wild man mode and started running around like crazy and NEVER stopped.

Aladdin was so  sweet and agreed with me that Disney purposely places the characters where it is hard to get a good shot of them with the lighting and space, which forces you to buy their pics from your photopass.  Well, Mr. Aladdin moved around for us several times so we could get a great shot of him and Emma.

Here they are, our favorite COWBOY and SPACE RANGER!   We could have stayed in this room and played with these two forever.  Yes, we all love Disney BUT our family is completly SMITTEN over Toy Story. 

Next up Lightening McQueen and his good buddy Mater.  Gavin was so excited that he could not stand still for a second, seriously.   Both of our kids said, "Kain would love this Mom".  Kain is our sweet Nanny's son that my kids are missing terribly.

A trip would not be complete without Chip & Dale, the world's two favorite chipmunks.

Trying to get another one of Gavin standing still and this was the best we could do.  These CARS were awesome, every single detail about them.

This was the first year we had seen the night time fireworks show Fantasmic and it is a must if you are going to Disney anytime soon.  We all loved this show and the characters that participated in it.  I can not even begin to describe this show to you, but it left us with our mouths wide open like the next guy.

I love this picture of Gavin mouth to mouth with Mater.  This boy thought that Mater was hilarious and if we would have let him, he would have crawled up inside of Mater's mouth and stayed there all day. 

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