Saturday, June 23, 2012

Last Swim Meet

This Momma was up at 4:30 this morning packing up for the last swim meet of the season.   The kids were up around 5:10 and we were gone shortly after, so we could make it in time for swimmer check in at 6:00 and find a place to camp out for the day.  Daddy was traveling home from Chicago today, he was sad he did not get to see Emma's last swim meet and so was she.

Emma is occupying her time waiting patiently to get checked in for the day.  That is a pretty happy little girl to be up so early.

All checked in and tagged for races 17 Freestyle and 39 Backstroke, just waiting for warm ups to begin.  This week was our divisional meet, so there were 6 teams at the meet with a total of about 900 swimmers. It was crazy, but organized.

This week something just clicked with Emma and her strokes look awesome.  Hmm, wonder if it has something to do with those FIVE year old fine motor skills starting to develop?

What does the littlest Frazier do while waiting to cheer Emma on while she swims?  You are looking at what keeps him occupied part of the time.  He actually brought a remote control today and when Emma was in the pool he was controlling it acting like he was controlling how she was swimming in the pool.  It was priceless and hilarious.  The boy has an imagination that is out of this world.

Emma has met tons of new friends at swim and today she enjoyed playing with Kierra and Madeline.  Her favorite swim friends are Lauren, Melinda and Stephanie, we can not wait to have a play date with them this summer.

Here are all our 4-6 year old girls holding onto the rope as they are escorted to the ready bench for the 25 yard Backstroke.  They were so cute and chanted, "Go Stingrays Go" all the way to the pool. 

Emma on the ready bench with the opponents that she would be swimming against.  She was determined to win today and she did an awesome job.  She improved her freestyle time by 45 seconds and her backstroke time by about 20, way to go Emma Lou!

I can not even begin to explain how PROUD we are of you, Emma.  You have far surpassed our goals for you in the water this summer and you have enjoyed every single second of being on swim team.  We are blown away by how dedicated you have been in the water, how determined you have been to improve and how brave you have been this entire swim season.

You walked into swim the very first day and never hesitated to meet new friends, try new things and trust the coaches to help you.  You have been so independent this swim season and proved to me and Daddy that you are beyond ready to go to Kindergarten.

You are one very special little girl and no matter where you go or what you do, you give it your very best.  Your personality and your light shines in all you do and people instantly fall in love with you.   The parents, coaches and older swimmers all thought you were the cutest little thing ever and so do we!

Thank you for making us so proud this swim season.  We are going to miss seeing you in the water daily and cheering you on at weekly meets. We look forward to attending the awards banquet with you and watching you get your trophy.  God has great things in store for you baby girl and we will always be your biggest fans.

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