Monday, July 9, 2012

Garner Confessions & More

So many adventures in Garner, so many laughs, so many memories, so many first and so much fun.

The kids enjoyed catching these little fish on cane poles in the river with Leighton's help.

If you could have only seen the smile on his face when he pulled this one in, it was priceless and we were all cheering him on.

Leighton was so sweet and wonderful getting the cane poles set up and the hooks baited with worms.  Just so happens Gavin might have been running through the campsite and harpooned Cameron right in the belly with one of the cane pole.

Gavin thought Leighton was the funniest thing ever and loved to throw rocks with him and at him (oops)!

Emma loved her some big girl time with Jackie D and Emery.  Sweet Emery gave Emma a new hairstyle, french braid down the side and she loved it.  When we sat down for dinner at Neal's and she did not end up between these two, I got the look and quickly asked if we could rearrange the seating.  That is until Cameron arrived and she became her shadow.

Yep, one morning when we left our B&B headed to GSP I hear Gavin scream, "Mom, I have to potty now."  When your in the middle of potty training a very stubborn little boy you don't just stop on vacation, so what do you do?  You travel with a potty in the back of your SUV in hopes of preventing any accidents and you pull over whenever your THREE year old demands.  As soon as I got him settled I grabbed my camera and Emma says, "Mom, what are you doing taking pictures?  That is against the law, STOP now!"   

After he did his duty, I cleaned him up and loaded him back in the car.  I proceeded to dump the potty out, clean it up and put it back in its place (I am guessing Gavin never saw me doing any of this.)  When we drove off he started screaming, "my potty, what about my potty, you forgot my potty Mom."   This is a picture that I am sure he will dislike me for later on in life, but I could not resist.

Gelatto at Josh's was yummy and a great way to cool off before hitting the river for the day. 

I love this picture of my 2 sweet girls.  Cameron is my adopted child that led me to the DiStefano family 16 years ago when I first became a teacher.  Of all the students I have ever had, "chubby chubbs" is by far my all time favorite and the one that I have loved the most.  Just so happens she is the oldest child of the DiStefano family, so I got to see them all grow up after having Cameron as one of my students her 6th grade year.  I am only allowed to call her "chubby chubbs" publicly now because she is model beautiful!  I think Emma loves her as much as I do after our trip to the hill country.  Just so you can put it all together, the Mommy of this bunch is also our photographer and my kids grandma by choice.

My peanut eating boy concentrating so hard on how to get the nuts out of the shell, sometimes it was just easier to eat the entire shell.

No camping trip is complete without S'mores, right?  Little man was roasting his own marshmallow with pride.

Cameron was kind enough to introduce us to white chocolate s'mores that were so YUMMY, I might be addicted and make some in the microwave as soon as I get to the store. 

Check out that BLING on my girls finger.  We went to the Dry Fifty gift store in Concan and out of everything Emma chose this diamond ring because she said it looked just like mine.  She has not taken it off and continues to say, "I can not believe I have a real diamond ring Mom."  Well, $4.00 later I just smile and say, it sure is beautiful baby and wait for the green ring to appear.

Confession... it is true that we left Garner a little early for a room at the Hyatt on the Riverwalk.  The 6 hour drive left me dozing off a few times on the trip down, so I thought it would be a great idea to break the trip up on the way home.   Conveniently the Hyatt had a room open so Momma, Emma, Gavin and the potty decided to take them up on their offer.

We had a good time on the Riverwalk eating dinner, taking the boat tour, going to the Disney store, people watching and of course my kids found a black cat laying beside the river that we had to go search for after our ride.

We got up the next morning and had breakfast beside the waterway, not a healthy breakfast but the only thing we could find open.  We enjoyed our good night of sleep in a comfy hotel room that was cold and dark.

We took advantage of the hotel pool that was on the 5th floor, giving us the perfect view of the entire city of San Antonio.

These two kiddos missed their Daddy like crazy, so after all the fun in Garner, Concan, Utopia and San Antonio we decided to pack up and head home.  Besides Daddy promised to take us to see Brave upon our return.  Looking forward to many more trips to the hill country and the traditions that will start from Emma and Gavin's first trip to GSP.

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