Saturday, August 4, 2012

My Ballerina Girl

Emma's collage from recital finally came in and I am in love with this picture that will soon be hanging in her room.   My AMAZING photographer started selling these frames from Organic Bloom and they just make things so much sweeter.

I was excited when I arrived home today and this huge box was on the porch for me, I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of this special delivery.  The collage is 10x20 so you can imagine how big it is framed, eek!  This picture does not do it justice, but trust me it is beautiful.

Speaking of dance, this little girl will be back at it Monday evening as we begin a new year of dance that is going to be filled with excitement.  Emma will be starting her third year of dance at our studio and we could not think of a better place to call home, these people are heaven sent.  Lots of exciting things happening at the dance studio in the next couple weeks.

Now for the random ramblings of The Frazier Four...
  • Mommy went back to work, so we have been busy and had less free time.
  • We are getting ready for both our kiddos to start new schools this year.  We could not be more thrilled about where God has placed both of them and are in constant prayer that they will be blessed with teachers that are "over the top" in so many ways. 
  • Curtis and I have committed to teaching a Sunday school class at church and we are both looking forward to teaching those little people about Jesus. 
  • Emma's tooth is still loose but not ready to pull just yet, she is ready
  • Gavin in 99.9% potty trained, even at night
  • Our new Nanny starts Monday
  • Emma is in the process of being taken off her steroid inhaler, Thank you Jesus!
  • 23 days and we will officially have a Kindergartner
  • Gavin is sleeping in his big boy bed and never gets up until he sees Mr. Sunshine every morning
  • I got my 5 year old SUV detailed and I feel like I have a new car, it was worth every penny.
  • Daddy is dying to take the kids to Disneyland before Christmas
  • Mommy is responsible for Seniors at school this year, so I will be planning Prom, Graduation and Senior Field Day
  • We were blessed with a new cousin this week, Preston Sterling Carnes and he is a healthy little boy.  We can not wait to meet him.
  • I need to get the kids 3rd and 5th Birthday pictures ordered before my photographer divorces me.
  • We visited the zoo this morning and got to see a newborn giraffe and witness a chimpanzee picking his nose and eating his boogers (YUCK!)  Emma waved at him and he waved back, she was so excited.
I hear someone crying, so I better go blow the whistle and see what is going on in there.   Hoping to blog our final day of Disney soon and some other fun stuff that helps me remember these days that are passing by so quickly.


  1. LOVE that picture and frame, sooooo cute!!! And getting the car detailed, I worth the money! Good luck with the new nanny!! have a fab week!

  2. Oh, Laura, I LOVE that collage! Just beautiful! JK starts in Jan...can HARDLY wait! :) And Gymnastics starts in 2 weeks...bring it on! :)

    I love your ending comment about blowing a whistle and going to see what is happening in the other room. Sometimes I get so tired of interrupting arguments, or breaking up fights, but I try to remind myself, too, that these moments are passing by entirely too quickly. Must cherish them all, even the crying, throwing fits, and tattle-telling times. ;)

    Love you, friend.

  3. BEAUTIFUL!!! Ahh sweet Emma Lou you are growing way to fast and big before we know it you will be graduating
