Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Tooth Fairy is on the Way

At 5 years, 1 month and 23 days old Emma has lost her 1st tooth (#25) and she is anxiously awaiting the tooth fairy's arrival.

I had been giving her a hard time all week about pulling it while I was not at home.   Needless to say, I had just gotten back from bringing them lunch from CFA and as soon as I got back to my office I got the above text.  I was a little sad, but thankful our Nanny text me right away and I got to talk to her.  She actually pulled it herself and walked up to Ms. Becca and said, "I just pulled my tooth."

Emma received this from her Nana when she was born and has been looking forward to finally using it one day.  It sits on a special shelf in her room and she often ask to hold and look at it while dreaming of losing her first tooth.

This girl is so excited about losing her tooth and can't wait to meet her Kindergarten teacher and say, "Hi, I am Emma Caroline and I lost a tooth this summer." It is hilarious to hear her say it too.

Look at that little bitty tooth in that sweet hand that I love so much, she made sure the blood wasn't showing before I took the picture.

When Gavin got up from his nap she told him that she lost her tooth and he screamed, "good job Emma, good job" she replied, "your the best brother in the world Gavin, I love you".

She could not stop looking at her tooth, the first tooth carriage and sliding her tongue in and out of the open spot in her mouth.

I am so happy for this sweet girl and amazed at how quickly she is growing up.  I am thankful that she enjoys the little things in life while celebrating in a BIG way.  Night night sweet girl, I am sure the tooth fairy will leave a surprise under your pillow after you drift off to sleep.  You look adoreable!

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