Thursday, September 27, 2012

Swim~A~Thon Success

Today was Emma's BIG day in the pool for her swim~a~thon and she did not disappoint.  Last night when she told me her goal was 40 laps, I thought I would have to count by FIVES to help her reach it BUT much to my surprise she surpassed her goal.
41 laps
1025 yards
 10+ football fields
 over a 1/2 mile
she DID it!

I was shocked and so PROUD of this girl.  She fought hard, she kept kicking, she never gave up, she loved it, she was so proud of herself and she SMILED the entire time.

The kids swam with their age group and had 45 minutes to swim as many laps as they could.  Emma actually swam for 47 minutes because she was not getting out of that pool till she reached her goal, her choice, her determination and her will.

Taking a little break after lap 21 and waiting for her friend to catch up with her so they could take off again.

Emma did such a great job and was so determined.  The kids were allowed to use whatever stroke they chose, so Emma switched between freestyle, back, and some sidestroke.  She also used her kick board on about 10 of the laps when she would get tired and needed to slow down a bit.

So far Emma has raised $354 and is in 9th place out of 223 kids for fundraising, she still has some money to turn in on Saturday and then we will know her final ranking.  Notice that she is the last one in the pool for her age group because she was on lap 39 when time was up, but she asked Coach if she could swim more to meet her goal.  I was so EXTREMELY proud of Emma and she has proved to me once again that she can do anything she dreams of doing.

1 comment:

  1. Since I swim like a bulldog, I'm SUPER impressed! ;-) No seriously, so great and whoa! can't believe how big she is getting...
