Sunday, January 6, 2013

Final Cold Christmas

We celebrated our last Christmas yesterday with the Carnes family.   Uncle Wayne, Aunt Debbie and Kaiden came in town, so we all got together at Marla and Dwain's (we missed the rest of the crew).   We had the best time and ended up not getting home until midnight, which equaled cranky kiddos today.
Even though it was 36 degrees outside the kiddos and the Daddy's ended up getting in the hot tub and having a blast.  You would think Emma never gets to swim because she was so excited about swimming all day long.
This is just part of the crew that participated in the late night swim. I was freezing just watching them and unfortunately hardly pulled my camera out all day.  We ended up with about 8 of the little cousins there that day and they screamed and played nonstop.  We missed the ones that were sick and could not join us. 
It was a sad goodbye because Marla, Dwain, Peyton and Preston packed up and went back to Steamboat the next day, they will not come back until June.  Hoping we get to see them a wee bit sooner.  
Our final Christmas celebration for 2012 was a good one filled with food, family, friendships, laughter, stories, pictures and lots of hugs.

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