Monday, September 2, 2013

Cousins at the Bay

Yesterday after church we headed out to "The Bay" to spend the day with Nanny Anderson and the rest of the family.  It was a wonderful day filled with cousins big and small that came from far away. 
My cousins were in town from Chicago, Atlanta and Austin. It was so wonderful to be with everyone and for all of our kiddos to play and have so much fun.    We had a huge Sunday lunch, visited, ate cupcakes, fished, played with the dogs, walked out on the pier and had a blast on the huge water slide.  I forgot my camera, but I am hoping to get more pictures from one of my cousins.  Nanny Andersons' house sits waterfront on 7 acres on the bay and has been a BEAUTIFUL place of gathering every Sunday for 25+ years.   
Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.
Marc Brown

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