Monday, March 3, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday Gavin Thomas

Happy 5th Birthday to the most amazing little boy I know and LOVE, my son.  So hard to believe that this guy is FIVE years old today.   Mommy is a little behind and has not had professional pictures taken yet, but our amazing photographer will work her magic next week (meanwhile you get me and this cutie!)

Seems like yesterday we were awaiting the arrival of our bundle of joy, time has flown by so quickly.  Five, five, five ~ how are we here?

Gavin is such a happy little boy, full of life, always on the go, never meets a stranger, loves life to the fullest, has an incredible imagination, dreams big, is often in character, always ask for hugs, a hand holder, expresses his feelings no matter what they are, keeps our house full of laughter and is ALL boy.

His big eyes tell a story and are truly the window to his soul.  The boy is obsessed with E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G  Lego right now and his 5th birthday has centered around his love for the little colorful blocks.

My love for this kid is unexplainable and I am so PROUD that I get to do life with him.  Being his Mommy is a new adventure every single day and I am so incredibly grateful that God picked me to be the one.  He blesses me daily with his attitude and prospective on life, often encouraging me to slow down and enjoy the little things.

Gavin Thomas, it has been so much fun celebrating YOU turning FIVE and just spending quality time enjoying everything about YOU.  Thank you for making me build Legos with you, it has been a blast watching you create and bring your Star Wars Legos to life.

Life with you is so much fun and just keeps getting better and better as the days go by.  I love you more than all the Legos in the world, YOU will always be my "Piece of Resistance"!

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