Thursday, June 19, 2008

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Emma, Happy Birthday to you!!! As I sit and type, I am still in disbelief that my baby is 1 year & 7 days old. This past week the HOTY and I have reminisced over and over again about what we were doing, this time last year. Lets see...this time last year we had been home from the hospital for 3 days and we were nestled into our home with our new bundle of joy; probably a little exhausted and overwhelmed. The days seemed to pass so slowly and the nights seemed to go by so quickly (sleep deprivation had certainly set in). I think we must have looked at Emma everyday for the first 6 months and asked each other, "can you believe we are parents" ~ if I am being quite honest, we sometimes still ask one another that. Now, here we are 1 year later asking God to bless us with another healthy baby. A baby as perfect, sweet, loving, funny, smart, beautiful and easy going as little Emma ~ she has been the perfect baby in our eyes. We can not keep our hands or lips off this "itty bitty", some call it spoiled...we call it GREATLY LOVED.


  1. Your prayers will be answered soon I'm sure! Who could deny the two most wonderful parents another little one to love?

  2. I love, love, love it! You are amazing and I can't wait to read more posts as you add them. I stand in prayer with you & Curtis that God will gift you another little sweet baby to love. :-)

  3. You are the bomb and I think you are wonderful. I have a lot of confidence that you are able to do anything you want to. However, I don't know how anyone does anything with 2 kids. Poor's true!! Less Pics, Less everything.
