Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I am the Mommy of a 1 Year Old

Here we go...I have been pondering this blog for several months and wanting to "kick her off" on Emma's 1st Birthday. I hope I am not getting in over my head with Emma's Website, Scrapbooking and now this blog... I wanted to give it a shot. My HOTY (husband of the year) thinks I am crazy and maybe I am (oh and my favorite Sister-in-Law does too). I have been "blog stalking" for a couple months now and have been inspired by others to begin my own journey into the world of blogging.

Wow ~ Yes, I am the Mommy of a One Year Old. I am blessed to be the Mommy of Emma Caroline Frazier, the daughter that God hand picked for us. This "itty bitty" is hilarious and she keeps us laughing and on our toes at all times ~ oh and she is helping to keep us young too. We celebrated Emma's 1st Birthday on Saturday and it was some kind of fun. As the Paparazzi would say, "I was all jacked up on Mountain Dew" kind of fun. You can see above that she is not just witty, but also very talented...that there is some kind of fancy invite, you agree? Me and the HOTY worked really hard to make this Birthday a success... it went off without a hitch and did I mention, we had a BLAST! We were most appreciative of the 64 family & friends who celebrated our baby girl with us. Pictures should be posted soon.

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