Sunday, June 22, 2008

Living in a Dog Pound

Yes, we feel like we are living in a dog pound these days. Our "itty bitty" is obsessed with dogs. I told the HOTY yesterday, to heck with taking Emma to the zoo... she would have a better time at the SPCA. Here she is with her very own...Beamer...he is our Dachshund that she absolutely adores and yes, he feels the same way about her too. Lets see, we now have 5 stuffed dogs, 2 dog videos and 2 dog books. Every time we go outside Emma is shouting, "dog, dog, dog, dog, dog"... of course it makes my heart happy that she loves dogs so much. Now the HOTY, that is another story. He told me before Emma was born that he would tell her that dogs bite, so she would not like them...needless to say...she is a lover of Dogs. It is her favorite word to say and she says it from sun up till sun down.
Speaking of favorite words, the HOTY an I are amazed at the rate Emma's vocabulary is expanding. She is a little are the 16 words she is saying as of today (yes, they are in order...we keep a running list on the fridge). I know, I know...we are NERDS!
1. Daddy
2. Mommy
3. Uh-oh
4. Dog
5. Duck
6. Light
7. Night Night
8. Wow
9. Whoa
10. Kitty
11. Ice
12. Day Day (this is David, he is the son of Mrs. Jenny)
13. Baby
14. Blue (if we put objects in front of her she picks out the blue one)
15. Balloon
16. Bow (as in her hair bow)
Don't worry we will continue to keep a running list and keep you guys posted. For now, we are off to the pool in the neighborhood.

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