Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My Daddy's the Big Kahuna!

Kahuna is a Hawaiian word, defined as "Priest, sorcerer, magician, wizard, minister, expert in any profession." Yes, Emma does think her Daddy is the big Kahuna (hence the shirt and the smile). So, his area of expertise would have to be.....Daddy! If you have spent much time around Emma and the HOTY, you know this kid thinks he hung the moon. I must admit...he did. Emma's favorite things about her Daddy....he plays with her, puts her in her crib every night, whispers in her ear before she goes to sleep (it must be a secret, because I am never able to hear what he says), reads to her, feeds her, bathes her, changes her, swings her, makes her laugh, tickles her, always keeps batteries in her toys, sings to her, brushes her teeth, combs her hair, gets her up every morning, always tells her he loves her and many, many more. So I just wanted to say, Thank you Curtis for being such a wonderful Daddy and for loving Emma unconditionally.

1 comment:

  1. How sweet is that! Emma's one lucky girl! Enjoy your summer with her!
