Thursday, June 26, 2008

My BFF and Emma drinking it up!

Here is the picture of Emma and my BFF at the bar in Puerta Vallarta. I promised you one of her enjoying a Strawberry Daiquiri and there you have it. It does not look like it gets much better than this...a nice drink and her RaRa. She probably wishes we could go back there more often, so she can be on sugar overload. Perhaps we might have to surprise her and get her one when we are out to dinner next time. Don't you just want to squeeze her?

Tomorrow is a big day for us. Emma goes for her 1 year Doctor appointment. Looking forward to seeing what this "itty bitty" weighs and measures. Oh, that is if we can get her on the scale because we all know she is TERRIFIED of the Doc. Daddy can not make the appointment and Mommy sure will miss him ~ he is the one that usually does the dirty work.

One last thing...I will be picking the Birthday Pics up from the Paparazzi tomorrow if she is not buried knee deep in her garage sale, even if she is...we will pay her a visit.

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