Monday, July 14, 2008

Blog-cation & Random Ramblings

Woo Hoo... I am back... Have not been up to blogging the last few days, but thought I would get back in the swing of things today and update you on the happenings in the Frazier household. We had a pretty laid back weekend, just hung out around the house and played with the "itty bitty". Our dear friend Tedra spent the day with us yesterday and it is always a joy to have her hang around. We spent the day chatting, catching up, laughing, grilling and enjoying a nice meal together...and of course laughed at Emma all day long. She is some kind of funny, I tell ya. Oh and I am so excited, Tedra took my IPOD home and is going to download some tunes for me...I can not wait. The HOTY is suppose to pick me up some kind of cable, so that I can listen to it in the car and Emma will be jammin soon. I feel like I am catching up with the times (ha ha).

We have a couple play dates planned this week with Lizzie and Brook, so I will have to drag my camera along to get some shots of these two cuties to include on my blog. These are Emma's lil friends and we plan on having some fun in the sun with them this week.

I am getting a new boss in the next couple days, so say a little prayer for me and the rest of the "Rangers" that we get someone good. This poor feller, he has got some big shoes to fill and hopefully he will do a heck of a job filling them. Mr. Kraemer will be missed by everyone in Rangerville... looking forward to the Class of 2009 and having another Rangeriffic year.

The "itty bitty" has been trottin around the house the last couple days with this little push toy. It is crazy...One day she just got up and took off. I think we might have a walker on our hands sometime soon. Of course she loves to ram this thing into the furniture, the walls, the appliances and most of all her best buddy, Beamer. Poor ole dog, he is probably like...get this kid away from me.

As far as the little one in my tummy... guess all is well. No signs of pregnancy just yet. Heading to the Dr. next Tuesday and really looking forward to seeing the new life that is growing inside of me. We should be able to hear the little heartbeat about then too.

I have started getting the website ready for Baby # 2. My goal is to journal our entire pregnancy just like we did for Emma. I sent off to get the Keepsake CD from Emma's and as soon as it arrives in the mail, I will start changing the website to focus on our new blessing. It is my hope to have as many memories for our 2nd baby that we have captivated for Emma.

Yep, I hear her...nap time is over...I am outta here for now...

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