Monday, July 7, 2008

Good News and Please Pray

Just got a call from the Nurse and my numbers look great... completed blood work this morning and my levels went from 30 to 164, progesterone is 24.9 and thyroid came back normal. Baby #2 is doing great and we are very excited about welcoming him/her to our family. No, we do not care what it is...we are praying for a healthy baby. We will return to the Dr. on July 22nd for an ultrasound. Thank you for your prayers, God is good!

Okay, calling all prayer warriors...I am asking for prayers for Curtis' cousin (and mine too) Melissa & Sean. They are going to be proceeding with IVF in the morning and need many many prayers. They have been trying to have a baby since 2005 and Mel will be going in tomorrow morning for the egg retrieval involved with the first part of IVF. Please pray that God will guide the hands of the Doctor and Nurses involved in this procedure, that Melissa will be at peace and comfortable, they will be free of worry & anxiety, her Uterine lining will be thick enough for IVF and that they will harvest an abundant amount of eggs, which in turn will be a baby/babies for them to love. God we just pray that your will be done in this situation and that you comfort Melissa and Sean during their journey to parenthood. For we know that it is you and only you that gives children to the childless wife, so that she becomes a happy mother. You can read more about Melissa's fertility journey by clicking on the link that says Melissa & Sean.

1 comment:

  1. This is so AWESOME!!! Both news...about you and the baby as well as Curtis' cousin. I prayed so much for them the past two days. I know how hard IVF can be...the meds, the waiting, the anticipation. I know God will bless both of you with healthy, beautiful babies :)
