Monday, July 21, 2008

Frazier Four Debuts Tomorrow

Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day for the Frazier Three...we finally get to see Frazier Four. We are scheduled for an ultrasound in the morning at 10:45 with our Doctor. I am so excited about seeing the life that is growing inside of me and sharing this moment with my sweet lil' family. Yes, the "itty bitty" is going with us tomorrow to see her brother/sister and hear that little heartbeat. Please say a prayer for us that everything is perfect and this baby is growing and developing appropriately. I will be 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant tomorrow and when we saw Emma for the first time I was 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I could not help but take a look back at the journals we did when we got to see her for the first time. I have included it for your enjoyment...these are great memories for us and I am so thankful that we kept such detailed records on the website. It is wonderful to look back at these things now and I know it will be more enjoyable in the years to come.

October 31, 2006
Mommy writes after the appointment:

Today was a great day for me & Curtis. It was only 6 weeks and 2 days ago when we became Parents. We went to the Doctor today for a regular visit and heard the most amazing sound of our life (up to this point). We had our first official Ultra Sound with our Dr. We were a little nervous at first, but once we got started it was smooth sailing. The Dr. began the procedure and told us that she would explain to us what she was looking at, so we could join her in her search for "Baby Frazier". She found the baby rather quickly and it was right where it was suppose to be. We got to hear it's little heartbeat and it was beating rather fast (124 beats per minute) to be exact. That was truly the most amazing sound we have heard in all of our lives at this point. I think we were both in shock that we were able to hear it. The Dr. also took some measurements and everything looked perfect. The baby is the size of a coffee bean as of today. Once again, we thanked God for this blessing and left there realizing how fortunate we truly were to be able to experience pregnancy!

Daddy writes:

I will never forget the first day we laid eyes on you. There you were on the screen, the tiniest little thing we had ever seen. I think my heart nearly stopped the moment we heard your little heart beating! From the moment we said "I Do", we started thinking of you. Through all of the conversations, thoughts, hopes and many prayers, I never imagined that I would feel the way that I do today. You are a gift from God that we will cherish always. Today it became very real to me that in a short while my name will forever change to "Daddy". I think of your grandparents and all that they are in your Mommy's and my lives only hoping that we can be to you what they have been to us. While we may stumble along the way, know that we will trust God to guide us to be the best parents we can be.

Before we even know the color of your eyes or your hair
Before we know if it's pants or a dress you will wear

Before we decide on your first and middle name
Before we know if you & your cousins will look the same

Before we buy you a pink or blue shoe
I already know that my heart belongs to you.

Before you take your first breath of air
A love like no other our family will share

Before you come home to a house filled with love
We count you a blessing from our Father above.

One more thing...while you are praying for us, can you please pray for Melissa and Sean, they go in the morning at 7:45 to have the blood work done to see if they are pregnant. We are so excited for them and are looking forward to the wonderful news.

We are on our knees tonight thankful for many things and full of hope for tomorrow!


  1. I am so excited for you! I know little Frazier four will be just as perfect as sweet Emma! I will be waiting to read the details :)

  2. I have been reading your blog for a while now. I found you through my friend Kelly. Anyway, I am in tears reading what the letters you guys wrote! SO precious! Congrats on Baby #2!
