Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Strong Heartbeat & Answered Prayers

Let me begin with the greatest news of all...Melissa & Sean are pregnant and we are so darn excited that we just can't stand it. I am sure she is glad that the news is finally out, so I can quit emailing, texting and calling her like a mad woman...the wait was driving me insane today. We could not be happier for them and they are so deserving of this amazing blessing. I am looking forward to us journeying through our pregnancies together. If we have calculated correctly, we are only a week apart...woo-hoo! Thanks to all for your thoughts, well wishes, concerns and prayers that you shared on their behalf. Now we will wait to see if there are one or two babies in there. Melissa's HCG levels were high today, so there could be more surprises around the corner in a few weeks.

We finally got to see with our eyes, hear with our ears and love with our hearts today as Baby Frazier # 2 was revealed to us. We waited impatiently for almost an hour in the waiting room trying to entertain a 13 month old with dogs, raisins and goldfish. It was finally our time to go back...and we jumped to our feet when they said "Frazier". After the Dr. came in, we were ready to get started and find out what our newest family member was doing in there. The Dr. turned off the lights, turned on the Ultrasound machine and asked if we were ready. Of course the HOTY & Itty Bitty's eyes were glued to the screen (it was really as if Emma knew what was going on and she was going to be the first to find that baby). The Dr. located the 4th Frazier and Emma yelled "WOW"! Once again, we all laughed hysterically like we do often with this kiddo around. The Dr. proceeded to locate the heartbeat and we could hear it... I just laid there thinking, Thank you Jesus...our babies heart is beating (126 beats per minute ~ Emma's was 124 when we did her first ultrasound). Well, then I hear Emma start saying "dog-dog" and pointing at the screen as if a real dog were on there. I told you this kid is obsessed with dogs...the Dr. laughed and said "oh baby, aren't you in for a surprise". As the ultrasound was wrapping up the Dr. said, "yep, there is one"...before we could say a word, Emma said "one" as if she needed some clarification or something. Yes my sweet angel...there is only one little brother or sister you will have to tolerate & learn to love. All in all, it was a fabulous day...I was so thrilled that Emma got to be a part of the excitement with her little "witty" self.

Mommy & Emma waiting to go back a meet "the littlest one of all"

Proud Daddy & Big Sister

Things could not have turned out any better today for the Frazier's or the Forey's. We have been doubly blessed as a family and know that God will continue to watch over and protect us.


  1. I am so excited that everything is going so well so far!!! We pray everyday that you continue to have a healthy pregnancy and that Frazier #4 continues to develop. God has answered a lot of prayers in our family this week and I pray that we both continue to be blessed through these next months. We love you guys so much and thank you for all of your support and love that you showed during this time. Your excitiment for us means more than you can possibly imagine! Experiencing this journey together will be such a blessing! We love you and congratulations!!!

  2. Congrats for your family and for Melissa and Sean!!! I am so glad to hear that your family will be double blessed this year :)

    All of you are in my prayers!
