Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Quack Quack here and a Quack Quack there...

Yesterday the "itty bitty" and I went for a morning walk in the neighborhood. Decided to grab the 7 day old hamburger buns and feed the ducks on the way out the door. Of course as soon as they came flying at us, Emma started hollering, "dog, ruff ruff, dog"...I quickly explained to her, no baby...those are ducks. So then it was "duck, duck, duck" from there on out. Emma really loved the babies and the solid white one. She seemed to focus her attention on those. She was not interested in feeding them herself, just watching Mommy do it. I guess it was better than last time when we took her in the wagon and she ate the bread instead of giving it to the ducks.
After feeding the ducks, we continued to walk around the lake and there was a Mommy duck in distress with only one duckling following behind her. She was hollering and very angry, so I paused to stand there and watch her. Finally, I decided to start walking again and passed the pool and I quickly realized why the Mommy was upset. Uh, looks as if 3 of her ducklings had wondered off and were enjoying the day in the swimming pool. These guys were stuck in the pool and could not get out. I watched them swim the perimeter of the pool about 10 times looking for an escape and there wasn't one. Hopefully the lifeguards rescued them when they got to work. I can tell you one thing though, that Mommy was mad....kind of reminded me of a time we went camping and my Best Friends 3 kids wondered off....boy, she got them good when she finally found them.

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