Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Birthday HOTY (Husband of the Year)

Happy 34th Birthday Curtis & Daddy. Yes, the HOTY is 1 year older today. We woke up this morning bright and early to tell him Happy Birthday and we hoped he had a great day.

Lets see...if Emma could tell her Daddy, Happy Birthday it would probably sound like this, "ah ya ya night night dog dog ruff ruff"...that is pretty much the language she is speaking these days.

Thank you for being such a wonderful Daddy. I know that one day Emma will realize exactly how blessed she is to have you in her life. It is not everyday that Daddy's come along like you and you are the BEST!

Our sweet family...the one I always longed for and dreamed of...on your Birthday I want to say thanks for making our family complete and what it is today. You are a family man in every sense of the word (no matter where we are or who you are around ~ yes even your cousins) and I am so thankful for that.

Curtis ~ Happy Birthday to the Best Husband in the world. You are the most patient, kind, compassionate, romantic, dedicated, caring, forgiving, loving, emotional, funny, considerate (the list goes on) husband in the world. I can not thank you enough for standing by my side, no matter what the situation may be. You are my biggest supporter, my cheerleader and my #1 fan. You have made me a better person and have taught me so many things in and about life. I appreciate everything about you, most of all the unconditional love you have for me. You always put me and the "itty bitty" first and for that I will forever be grateful. It is amazing to watch you with our daughter and the bond that the two of you share ~ I would not want it any other way. I love you with my whole heart & I can not wait to celebrate many more Birthdays with you.

Happy Birthday to You
Laura Ann and Emma Lou


  1. Happy Birthday, Curtis! Hope is is a great day!!!

    love, Mel and Sean

  2. Happy Birthday Curtis! We love you too!

  3. Oh, and I'm glad you're having roast tonight...instead of chicken nuggets! A regular Martha Stewart is over there tonight!
