Wednesday, July 30, 2008

School Bell is close to Ringing...

Yes, it is that time of year again and school is just around the corner. The aisles are lined with lunch kits, loose leaf paper, #2 pencils, kleenex and folders. I am entering my 14th year working in the public education system and I am proud to say I LOVE IT! I went back on contract Monday at school and I must admit I am one tired Mommy! Could have something to do with the fact that I normally work 7-3 and I am working 8-5:30 (this week only). Oh and maybe that I am pregnant. I came home and told the HOTY yesterday, "uh, I could never work and 8-5 job... I am exhausted and that makes for a long day". Not to mention, I miss my baby girl and I don't like getting home so late and not being able to spend much time with her. Seems as though... we get home, eat dinner, take a bath, play for a bit, read a book and it is time to go night-night.

The "itty bitty" went back to Mrs. Jenny's this week and did not make a fuss about it. She is so happy there and I don't think her feet have hit the floor in 3 days, she has been riding Mrs. Jenny's hip. She is thrilled to be back with Tori and David too...she loves those kiddos to pieces. She calls David (Day Day) and Tori (Mom)...we can not figure out why she is calling Tori Mom, except that she hears her calling Mrs. Jenny that. So, here is my 13 month old chasing a 3rd grader around the house calling her Mom. I have not heard it, but I am sure it is so funny! Emma came home today with a lesson and told us about the letter A, and kept sounding it out phonetically and then saying a-a-a-apple. Mrs. Jenny has started working with her on her letters and of course the "witty itty bitty" has caught right on. She was really proud of that paper that she studied today and also colored with a red crayon. I have said it before and I will say it again...we are so fortunate to have the Foxworth Family in our lives.

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