Sunday, July 27, 2008

Two Years Ago Today

Wow ~ it is very hard for me to believe that 2 years ago today my Dad went to be with the Lord. I will never forget that day as long as I live...and I will never forget this man as long as I live either. I miss my Dad so much and there are so many things that I wish...when I think of him. First and foremost, I wish he could have been here to see and hold my sweet Emma. I know that he can see her and he is fully aware of what is going on in my life, because that is the promise that God has given each of us. How I long to hear him call me Laurie one more time and would give anything to hear him laugh. If you had the privilege of knowing my Dad, you know he was probably one of the most hilarious people that ever lived.

Let me share one of my favorite stories about him... He was so nervous on my wedding day that he would forget what to say, so he had my BFF's husband write it on his hand. Below is the poem that I wrote & delivered at my Dad's funeral in honor of him, thought I would include it for those who did not know him... so you could see what an amazing guy he was also. Looking back, I don't know how I was able to get up and do that ~ yes I was definitely a God thing. So today, I am sad & miss my Dad, the pain never goes away but it does get easier.


I will always remember that big smile on your face
and long to hear that laugh many loved to embrace

You meant the world to those who knew you in many different ways,
but God took you home to rest that late July day

He needed another angel to play in his band
or perhaps someone at the BBQ pit to lend him a hand

Your work on this earth is over and done
but your legacy will always continue to live on

How do I begin to honor you for the lives you have touched
and tell you I love you so very much?

You reached out your hand County wide
Serving Agriculture and Youth
You did it with great Pride

You taught us all to laugh and lots of laughing we did
I will cherish that as long as I live

Dad, I wish you could see all the people who have called or dropped by
All the hearts that are struggling to tell you good bye

I always took pride in wearing that Fabian name
and hearing people talk about you being a butcher
That will always be your claim to fame

It was only 8 short months ago when you walked me down the aisle
The Preacher ask who gives this woman and you “nervously chuckled”
Her Mother and I

That will always be, one of the best days of my life
and I will never forget how proud you were that I was finally Curtis’ wife

You taught me so much throughout your days,
how to be honest, hard working, and independent in every way

No matter how much time passes until we meet up again,
I will always be “Daddy’s Little Girl” Until the very end

Dad, You will be missed and you’ll always be loved,
in my heart I know you are watching over us all from Heaven up above.

1 comment:

  1. hugs to you Laurie Ann...I'll be thinking of you tomorrow as you return to work. I love u!
