Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fish ~ Fish ~ Fish

Fish ~ Fish ~ Fish...that is what we heard all day from the "itty bitty" when we took her for an outing to the Aquarium and to have some lunch. Emma is a lover of animals, all kinds...not just dog~dogs. Needless to say, we had a heck of a time prying her away from the aquarium and all the exhibits. She would scream not to leave when we would pick her up to move on to see the next thing. I am convinced she would have stood there all day if we would have let her.
We also took her on a train ride which she hated and she was not happy on this carousel ride either. We were really surprised because she is not normally afraid of anything.
Perhaps she would have been happy if we let her stand up and ride, but her Daddy is a rule follower (so she had to be seated and strapped in).
We enjoyed a nice lunch where Emma ate fish, shrimp, zucchini, squash and green beans. She is a great eater. We do not normally give her sweets, but we decided to order this "do it yourself" Sundae...which was so cute. You got 4 ramekins filled with sprinkles, little M&M's, chocolate and cool whip to decorate it to your liking....she was in heaven with this thing.

And of course she had to tell the fish bye-bye again. There were all sorts of things to see here. Emma's favorite were the fish and the white tigers.
Our battery went dead on our camera, so this is all we were able to capture. We had a great day and Emma seemed to really enjoy herself and all there was to see. Thanks to the HOTY, this was all his idea...good job Daddy!

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