Sunday, August 17, 2008

Best 14 months ever!

Our baby girl turned 14 months old on Friday. Every month on her Birthday since she was born we have taken her picture, so that we can always remember exactly what she looked like at that time. We post these on her baby website (password is curtis) and I have worked really hard to keep the website up to date, if you go there you will find it under the bullet...Monthly Milestones. These are just some of the ones we took this weekend that I wanted to share with you.

This is the sweetest little face I have ever seen. She is trying to look over at the waterfall.

Looking at an airplane flying over ~ one of her new words that she learned last Wednesday.

Now you see why we are so in love with her...she is the cutest little thing ever. I know, every Mommy thinks that about their baby.

She wanted to put her feet in the water so bad and I just could not resist.

Of course, the HOTY was a little concerned about her falling in.

Yep, she is looking up at another airplane flying over.

I just loved this one of her and her Daddy. Emma is walking, but she is still a little shaky and this bridge had a slope to it, so Daddy helped her out.


  1. Oh, Laura, that first picture and the fourth 'em! That dress is adorable! I need to squeeze her! :-)

  2. She is just precious! :-) I love her tiny bare feet!

  3. These pics of her are darling. She is growing so fast. I just want to kiss her, kiss her!!!! She is so precious. Thanks for sharing!
