Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Handprints

The "itty bitty" has an orange folder that comes home in her backpack from MDO on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The HOTY and I sat down with her and looked through the folder and here are the 2 things she pulled out. She had the biggest smile on her face and was so full of pride when we began talking to her about how wonderful she had done. We kept telling her to tell us what they were and how beautiful they were. She proceeded to sit the paper down on our bed and she put her little hands together, rubbing them back and forth and said, "wash wash". Of course we both laughed and just thought it was so clever of that is what stuck in her mind...she had to wash up after doing this little project. I have attached both of her papers below.

The purple one reads:
My Handprints
Some day when I grow big and tall
My handprints will be big, not small
But you will still have prints of mine
To keep beside you all the time.

From the looks of it, one might think MDO is going well. For us, it has been a struggle to walk away and leave our baby girl scared and crying in the mornings. The HOTY has had a really hard time with this and has wanted to quit 2 times more than me (and we have only been 2 times). We have decided to change the hours Emma will attend from 9-12 opposed to 7:30-12, and she will still only go on Tuesday and Thursday. That is the plan for next week and we will see if that works out any better for all of us.

In the meantime, I would like to ask all of you to pray for some of my dear friends and family that will be facing a much bigger challenge than us in the morning. Robin, Kristi, Mrs. Jenny and my SIL of the year, Stacey will be taking their sweet baby's to Big School for the 1st time tomorrow. Ally, Karsen & David will all be going to Kindergarten in the morning and my nephew, Hunter will be going to 1st grade (he went to private Kindergarten).

Lord, we just ask that you wrap your arms around all these Mommies and their sweet babies tomorrow as they walk them in the front doors of our public schools. We pray that they will be embraced with love and comfort from their teachers and their peers that will surround them this school year. Lord we ask that each of them feel safe in the morning and at all times throughout this school year. We asked that each of them are placed in a positive environment where they are able to learn and Lord, I pray that the teachers of these children will be Godly men and women of integrity. I pray that these children will find favor, good understanding, and high esteem in the sight of God and their teachers and classmates. I pray that they are surrounded by Godly people that will lift them up to the highest. Heavenly Father, I pray a hedge of protection over all of these children and their families as they embark on a new journey in the morning. Thank You that they have the opportunity to grow in wisdom and knowledge.

This is my prayer for all of my Mommy friends tomorrow and for all the students and parents all over the world. I will turn off my radio in the morning on my 30 minute commute to work and I will pray for all the students in my life as an educator, a friend, a family member and most of all, a believer.

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