Sunday, August 24, 2008

What more could a girl want?

I am sure many of you will be surprised to learn that we got a pool. We really did not share the news with anyone, so I decided I would post the pictures for you all this evening. The general contractor finally finished up this morning, so we invited him to stick around and enjoy the first swim with us. It was really hard deciding on the perfect pool and amenities we wanted it to have, but it seems we ended up with one that will meet all of our needs. We wanted to make sure it was kid friendly, safe and somewhat shaded. You are all welcome to come and swim anytime! Emma and the general contractor below.

I decided to let the "itty bitty" wear this bathing suit that has been tucked away in her drawer since... before she was born. Her Daddy would never let her wear this anywhere, so I thought it would be fine in the back yard. Even after I put it on her he said, "see, little girls should not wear stuff like this...I mean it is not even cute". However, she thought she was really cute in it.

There was one point when all 3 of us got in the pool and Emma just thought that was the greatest thing ever. We could not stop laughing and I am sure the neighbors next door couldn't either if they were looking out there 2nd floor window. I kept asking the HOTY to go next door and ask the neighbor to take a picture of all 3 of us. Of course he was like NO we just took lots of pictures of the baby girl.

My cousins Hunter & Camryn actually gave me this pool for my Birthday and we finally opened it. Thank you cousins, I love it!

This is when she was pointing to us, requesting that we all get in for a swim.

I think she was posing for us here...I am not real sure what she was doing.

Today was a great day. We finished the evening off with a home cooked meal, yummy made from scratch Meatloaf (thanks to MiMi, one of Lianna's blog friends), homemade mashed potatoes, homemade macaroni & cheese (elbow noodles and Velveeta), croissant rolls, fresh tea and Neiman Marcus cake for dessert. I must was on of the best meals we have had in a while. The HOTY said it was the best meatloaf he had ever eaten and his 2nd favorite meal that I cook ~ roast, potatoes & carrots takes the Grand Champion prize.


  1. What a precious post! I love the swimming pool that you selected with all the amenities. Miss Emma is the cutest thing ever! If you have read my Mimi's Making Memories blog, you know that I have a very special little girl in my life named Emma, too!

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your sweet comments about my meatloaf. I am so glad that your husband loved it. My husband loves it leftover, too, sliced and browned in a skillet as a meatloaf sandwich. It is yummy that way! Too funny about the cilantro -- they look very similar, don't they?

    Thanks again for trying my recipe and for leaving me a comment. Please stop by for another visit soon. I love to hear your comments!

  2. She is just the cutest thing! Looks like ya'll had a great day full of fun and great food! :-) Love you!

  3. REALLY had me here...I was expected this BEAUTIFUL flagstone pool with a luxury waterfall, etc.

    I'm sure Emma thinks her pool is just as gorgeous though :)

    Love the "posed" pic...I see Sports Illustrated in Emma's future...but don't tell Curtis :)
